Torm was one of the three deities of similar interests known as the Triad, along with Ilmater and Tyr.

He held especial enmity for Cyric, as he saw how the dark god had greatly damaged Tyr. Torm had many enemies amongst the foul deities, chief among them Bane and Shar. Both gods had battled side-by-side against evil gods and devils on many occasions. Torm was also a comrade of the dragon god Bahamut, who was also a servant deity to him, much like a knight. Torm was also good friends with Lathander and Amaunator, the latter even earning great respect from the Loyal Fury. It was well known that he and the Red Knight were fond of one another, but whether the two were friends or lovers was something the duo kept to themselves. Torm had a friendship with Helm prior to the latter's death in 1384 DR, though the two deities' priesthoods were cold to one another. Torm greatly revered Tyr, seeing him as his spiritual father. In the Great Wheel cosmology, it was located in Mercuria, the second of the Seven Heavens. Torm's divine realm was called Trueheart. In any case he was possessed of an eternal calm, and all his avatars were completely fearless. In his younger form he had incredible charisma and self-confidence combined with quiet enthusiasm, while his older one seemed to have endured uncountable evils without being broken.

Torm's apparent demeanor seemed slightly different based on his current persona. No matter his form, he seemed stern in voice and manner, with dauntless courage set in his square jaw and righteous light flashing from his striking, deep blue eyes. Sometimes his form was that of a blond, handsome young man, while at others he was an aging warrior with grey-white hair, though he often shapeshifted into a lion-headed man when entering combat. Torm could appear as a 12 feet (3.7 meters) tall man in ancient, helmless plate mail stained dusky purple.